We demanded and won paid safety-training at Gorillas
Yeah, check out the irony. One day at work your guts are blown out through the backside, the other day we’re vroom learning about safety.
Gorillas has a habit of sending out commands through the mail. We are ordered to appear in this meeting, then there, and now we were summoned at a ‘mandatory’ safety training.
We said that the only thing mandatory about us showing up is that Gorillas pays for it. Work is work is work. Gorillas then agreed. The coming safety trainings on February the 22nd are paid work. When you complete the training you get a certificate, which you can send your warehousemanager. He will then register the hours as paid work. You can also choose to follow the safety training during work hours.
Originally we we’re planning on sending out an email asking you all to show good faith now that they’d listened to our protests (and the law, btw). But somehow being trained by Gorillas in worksafety feels currently, right after these storms, like learning tablemanners from a pig. Perhaps it’s still good to go to the training, as not going would show disregard for safety. But now, we won’t criticize anyone for continuing Gorillas’ workers collective response to previous summons: to ignore them.
Take note though that Gorillas has accepted the precedence that work = work = work. This means we are to expect payment for the hours spend on all future summons.